”Porteño” is used to refer to a person who is from Buenos Aires. I got this nickname from an old milonguero who saw me dance at Club Gricel in 2010. I took it as a compliment and kept the name as my DJ alias.

In this blog I give my perspective on tango, the teaching, the music, events, DJ'ing and the codes and social behaviour of tango. Since my tango friends come from all over the world, the blog is in english.

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A seminar for tango teachers

Being a good dancer does not necessarily mean that you are a good teacher. This trainers training program gives the teacher or trainer tools for better and more efficiant teaching.

With this trainers training you learn about the psychology of learning and how to close the gab between teacher and student. You learn how to:
  1. teach other people what you are good at in a way so they actually learn it
  2. put the student in the center of the learning proces
  3. avoid the most commun mistakes teachers can make

Special trainers training for tango teachers 

This particular program is designed to give tango teachers better tools for teaching in groups and for individual training. You get methods for helping tango students, who has none or only little experience in working with their body, as well as tools for working with experienced dancers. With the training you get material to develop your teaching in to a powerful collaboration with the student.

Why bother?

Take this workshop if you think good teaching is fun, if you think you can become a even better teacher, and if you believe that the better teacher you are, the more business you’ll get.

If you are not a good tango teacher students will continuing to come to your performances and shows but will stop attending your classes and they will go to someone that has better communications skills.


Become a member of an exclusive club of teachers who already took the training:

Workshop N0 1 in BsAs - participants:

Kolja Rieffestahl, Fabián Salas and Lucia Mazer.

Workshop N0 2 in BsAs - participants

Juan Pablo, Gustavo Rember, Kolja Rieffestahl, Silvina Machado
Mariel Robles, Luzia Mazer, Chrsitian, Hector Corona and Gonzalo Alonso.

Workshop N0 3 in Copenhagen - participants: 

Gianna Goff, Mette Munk Andresen, Sidse Hasle, Constantin RügerMartin Pedersen
Sanhsara Muniz Rieffestahl, Kolja Rieffestahl and Josefine Pallavicini.

Your training

In interaction with Kolja and the participants of the workshop you are going to learn the basics of the psychology of learning and how to:
  • structure and present your training so people get the point faster
  • give positive and useful feedback 
  • communicate to different people who learn in different ways
  • use the right words for your student to understand faster
  • set achievable goals for the teaching and learning process
  • avoid the biggest mistakes a teacher can make (talking too much, moving forward too fast, making things too complicated..)

The training has little theory and a lot of tools for practical use.

Your trainer is Kolja Rieffestahl - coach and mental trainer

Kolja is an experienced coach and mental trainer for athletes, performers and leaders. He has been working in Denmark and around the world with athletes at big events such as World Cups, European and World Championships. Her has coached Olympic gold medalist and world champions in athletics, sailing, windsurfing, badminton, BMX, badminton and handball.

Book trainers training

You can book trainers training by contacting Kolja by email. You provide a minimum of 6 - maximum 12 people + a venue for the training with chairs and a flipover.

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