”Porteño” is used to refer to a person who is from Buenos Aires. I got this nickname from an old milonguero who saw me dance at Club Gricel in 2010. I took it as a compliment and kept the name as my DJ alias.

In this blog I give my perspective on tango, the teaching, the music, events, DJ'ing and the codes and social behaviour of tango. Since my tango friends come from all over the world, the blog is in english.

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Basics of tango DJing - for beginners and DJs with little experience.

Do you want happy and inspired tango dancers when you're DJing and do you want to avoid situations where the dancers are sitting in a corner waiting for you to find the "right" tanda? If yes, you can learn a lot from this seminar for tango DJs.

A good milonga is created in collaboration between the DJ and the dancers, but the dancers do not always know that they are part of a collaboration. So it's up to you as a DJ to "feel" the dancefloor and listen to what the dancers wants and also to give the dancers the opportunity to discover what they did not know they wanted.

This is a delicate art and you will get the basic tools for doing it in this musical and cheerful seminar. Under the headlines: preparation, implementation and music you will learn about:
• hardware and sofware: computer, DJ programs, sound card (what is a sound card, how does it work?) use of headphones etc.
• the benefits of a DJ compared to a playlist
• how to choose cortinas
• how to put together a well functioning tanda
• how to combine tandas and cortinas so there is a flow throughout the whole evening
• the social role and behaviour of the DJ
• where to find the music

Of course this seminar also includes talking about the most fanous orchestras and CDs. It is a huge area and the seminar's primary focus will be on how to make a good DJ set that makes the dancers happy.

The method is a combination of presentations on methods from Kolja and exercises where you can try things out and get feedback.

After the seminar, you will feel more confident about the basic techniques and rules that apply to tango DJing.

The seminar is 4 hours. Bring: computer, headphones, sound card and your CD collection if you can.

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